Monday, August 14, 2006


I sang at a vigil mass tonight, and for the first time in many years the organist failed to appear, so I led the singing without an accompanist. It was hard, but I was in good voice, knew the songs well, and was lucky enough that 4 members of the choir were sitting in the congregation, and they sang their hearts out. But it was still hard.

One of my colleagues from work is going door to door for me. I gave him 250 flyers and he needs more. He is like the choir members singing their hearts out.

Tomorrow is another busy day, and marks three weeks until the election. If I was starting on a three week vacation tomorrow, it would feel all new and just beginning. It's important to remember that most people are just noticing that there is a judicial race, and I am a new candidate to them. They don't know anything about me, and it's time to tell them.

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