Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Working on the campaign

Is sort of like housework, there's always something else that could be done, and it's a continual process. Now that the jury trial is in my rear view mirror, I've taken the day off and am trying to catch up. I've got postcards to write, and food to cook, and postage to buy, and database work to review, and signs to keep up with. With less than 90 days left before the election, it feels like there's no way to get it all done, and I see my esteemed opponents working just as hard. Part of me is pleased that the sophistication of judicial campaigns as campaigns has evolved so much in the past ten years, people can't make a judgement about who will be judge if they've never heard of the candidates. On the other hand, trying to get a structured message across in the time it takes to utter a soundbite is difficult.

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