Sunday, June 11, 2006

Suzy Homemaker

Since I was gone all last week to do a jury trial, let's just say I'm a little behind in the housework department. Yesterday both James and I were so tired we did little more than get a few groceries into the house. I enjoyed the opportunity to feel truly guilty about my failure to do work on my own campaign yesterday when a guy running for county commission was going door to door in my neighborhood.

This morning I've been Suzy Homemaker. Up at 6:30 am, made blueberry bran muffins from scratch, started on what will likely be 6 loads of laundry, and am taking a short break from cleaning up the kitchen. James has agreed to mop the floor after I've swept.

We talked to Jim on the phone about 5 times yesterday, he's visiting with his 92 year old father in Deltona, but will be home today. Next week I'll be a better candidate, I swear I will. I just don't want to reach the September elections feeling like I simply didn't do enough to be a credible candidate.

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