Sunday, September 03, 2006

So, do you like princesses?

Yesterday while we were standing at the Courthouse waving signs, somebody else brought along a little kid, a five year old girl. She was sort of standing around with us. James, who had retired from campaigning, started showing her his game boy, and I heard him say to her, "So, do you like princesses?"

I just thought that was the nicest thing. I don't believe I have ever previously heard the word princess uttered by my son. He asked that little girl if she liked princesses because he knew that was something she might be interested in and something she might like to talk about, it was not anything he was interested in. He asked it to be nice to her.

They played together for over an hour, and my son was consistently kind and gentle to her, and when he thought she was doing something dangerous, he came and told me (she was trying to climb a tree using a very small branch).

Nobody deserves a considerate child, sometimes you just get one.

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