Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Ted Hsu, who is the webmaster for the campaign, sent this video for my family to watch. It's a documentary about a young lawyer, Corey Booker, running against a five term mayoral incumbent, Sharpe James. In the film, both sides had a lot of the trappings of very large campaigns - paid staffs, full time campaigning, and millions of dollars raised. Between two candidates, they raised almost $7 million. At the end, the incumbent wins, no surprise, what was surprising was the number of votes cast. Fewer than 58,000 votes were cast in the 2002 Newark Mayoral election. Here in Tallahassee, we had 53,000 votes cast in the 2002 primary. Newark has a population of 2 million. Tallahassee's populations is 250,000.

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