Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tough Day on Boot Hill

So work was fine, I'm preparing for a jury trial in early June. Yesterday was a consumer law seminar, and I enjoyed that. But today my two opponents, who know people that belong to the Tiger Bay Club, got to have a lovely lunch at the highly political Tiger Bay Club, while I, as usual, didn't even know it was happening. And they probably got to hand out lots of flyers, and everyone probably said how marvelous it is that they have decided to run for election and how much they respect them. So instead of having lunch with the Tiger Bay club, I went and ate lunch with my first grade son's class. One of my opponents pointed out recently that although I may be very popular with the grade one class, they cannot vote for me, so I should not spend so much time with them. I haven't given them any flyers, but I'm sure they would appreciate them. Although I gave a flyer to a seven year old recently and he made a paper airplane out of it.

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