Thursday, May 04, 2006

Financial disclosure

Every year a host of state workers fill out financial disclosure forms, so when I was told I had to fill out a financial disclosure form to run for office, I wasn't particularly concerned. After all, the Form 1 just asks for debts that exceed your assets, and income that exceeds 5% of your total income, just enough so financial interests that could affect one's judgment are disclosed. All very reasonable.

Now I discover that candidates do not fill out Form 1, we fill out Form 6, a form which is impressive in its invasiveness. Anyone who is interested in my methods of asset allocation will have a clear view after this. I feel miffed. I feel put upon. I feel that the Ethics Prosecutor will have a field day if I make a mistake.

I've spoken with the Ethics office and they've explained that I can't lump anything together, that every separate index fund has to be listed with the amount in it. I'm dying, here. I haven't gathered together a list of everything I have and where it is since I got married. Oh well, I still have a week to organize so that I can bare my financial soul for the sake of standing for election.

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