Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I got 28.1% of the vote, Ron Flury got 38.9, and John Newton got 32.8. Due to a technical problem, complete results weren't in before I went to bed, but I went to bed knowing that I had less than 28%, and about half the people had voted. I had said to a guy I work with that I would feel like I'd made a respectable showing with 28%, and that's what I got. About 54,000 people voted.

I have to spend a lot of the next couple of days getting signs down, and then I'll go back to work. It's a trifle anti-climactic, but I will say the idea of having to raise money to be competitive in a full election was less than attractive. It was good, too, to have Jim and James to go home with at the end of the evening. I would have been hard to go home alone.

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