Sunday, July 02, 2006

Signs go up, Signs come down

I'm getting reports that some of my signs are disappearing from yards. One fellow lost two from his place, replaced them, and hasn't had any trouble since. Another family, after retrieving the sign from the ditch several times and then having it stolen altogether have started putting the sign out in the morning and taking it in every evening. They feel rather disturbed, it's not illegal for them to support a candidate for office, and they believe they should be able to have a sign in their yard without having people steal it.

I'd been given to believe that judicial races were relatively free of this sort of activity, but I suppose I was mistaken. Fortunately, I have plenty of signs.


tedhsu said...

Hey, I save a souvenir sign for me when this is all done!

Lisa Raleigh said...

I suspect I'll have more than one left over, don't worry, I'll get it to you.